Leadership of BeC Inteligência

Carlos Brandão

Carlos Brandão

Manager (Brazil)

I help companies and people to get their idea out of the paper by building ios and android applications … i also help companies to generate more relevance in their trade marketing actions and thus more results through intelligence.

Vinicius Costa

Vinicius Costa

Manager (Spain)

I live in Valencia, Spain. Working with Business Intelligence for over 15 years, developing dashboards for several projects in the MKT Promotional agencies in which I worked. I am responsible for the Development area of BeC Inteligência. And in my spare time I am a member and guitarist of Banda Tourette.

Rita Regina

Rita Costa Brandão

Adm-Financial Director

Juliana Costa

Juliana Costa

Support Manager

Márcia Silva

Márcia Silva

Service Manager

Hector Cachiotis

Héctor Cachiotis

Manager (Colombia)

A BeC Inteligência emerged in 2009

I have as a focus or development of solutions to help companies to gerirem with more efficiency and their projects.

We tranship Inteligência not development of applications, web systems and business intelligence.


Intelligently inspire and create solutions for customers.


To be recognized in the Americas and Europe as the technology company that is the strong arm of its customers.


. Transparency
. Commitment
. Proactivity
. Customer satisfaction
. Results generation

Born in 2009

From the union of Carlos Brandão and Vinicius Costa. The first system developed is from 2010, in partnership with the Bullet agency, for the Seda line, by Unilever.

We have already carried out more than 200 projects

This includes creating applications (IOS and Android), Web Systems, Portals, Power Point Presentations and Power BI Dashboards.

Today we have more than 40 customers satisfied with our services

Solutions developed and use of SaaS, Promo MKT Report and Izy Job applications.